Labels:book | bulletin board | daily | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: freeware pu? some sharcware youcan reoister t0 keep Take a look atou Installing NautilusCD selecuons and put then to use in your OWT projects and publications. Insert the Nautihust "1) dis into your CD ROM drive From Windows 3.x install NautihusCD to your hard disk Maybe you're just entering the desktop publishing ficld orit's time to upgrade Using Program Marrager, choose the RLN command from the File menu your position, but you're not sure which software would be the best. for your Enter D> SETUP (replacing D>with the letter of your CD ROM drive) needs Try and compare features of some ofthe top commcrcial lapplications im Then follow the instructions that appear on you screen sof desktop the and versions business on arc NautilusCD. publisl included. hing Elegant and design pud utilitaria ...